- horror reviews - MOH 2021

Fear Street: Part Three - 1666

IMDb Info

Release Year: 2021
Runtime: 1h 54min
Country: USA, Canada
Language: English
Genre Tags: Horror, Mystery
Plot Summary: The origins of Sarah Fier's curse are finally revealed as history comes full circle on a night that changes the lives of Shadysiders forever.

Poster - Title Card rating: notes: Pacing is great, and it really sticks the landing for the trilogy. All the subtext of the first two movies becomes actual text, again making the movie deeper than its source references.

Outside Reviews:

Nick Allen
3 out of 4 stars -

Leigh Janiak ends her Fear Street movies with a triumphant finale, and a sizable spoiler warning. Given the plotting of this trilogy, to talk about Fear Street Part Three: 1666 in much detail feels like giving up a third act of a story. The biggest revelations are in the first hour, so I'll tread lightly. But really, if you're a fan of the movies, you should probably watch 1666 before reading any reviews - it's good enough to see first before someone tells you all about it.

Toussaint Egan
Fear Street: 1666 sticks the landing on Netflix's ambitious R.L. Stine horror trilogy

Beneath the surface, however, the commonalities between the three films offer candid commentary on the arbitrariness of class, the adolescent fear of growing up and falling into the mold of a life set before you, and the importance of defiantly claiming one's own worth and happiness in the face of uncertainty or social reprisal. These movies certainly aren't profound, but the Fear Street trilogy is an admirable, entertaining horror series packed with enough gruesome scares, clever twists, and charming performances to compel audiences until the end.